Sustainability is at the heart of our strategy

Juan Ignacio Rubiolo
Chairman of the AES Andes Board of Directors

Javier Dib
In 2018, at AES Andes we defined a transformational strategy, under the name Greentegra, which put sustainability at the heart of our business, and is based on three pillars: 1) Decarbonize our energy matrix; 2) Make our customers' supply more sustainable; and 3) Strengthen our investment grade to accelerate portfolio transformation.
More than 5 years after the launch of Greentegra, we proudly see that its materialization is reflected in concrete milestones. While in 2017 our portfolio was made up of 23% renewable energies, currently it already reaches 46% and we continue working on the development of our renewable pipeline with the aim of accelerating the future of energy.
Our second pillar, making our customers' supply more sustainable by jointly developing competitive, sustainable and innovative energy solutions, has had very positive results. This is how we were able to sign contracts in Chile to deliver 100% renewable energy to leading business partners such as Microsoft, Google, Teck and Codelco.
Continuing with our third strategic pillar, we continue advancing in the improvement of our debt position and access to financing to accelerate the growth and transformation plan of our portfolio.
We work with the communities in our area of influence, partners and clients and we are fully committed to reducing emissions to curb climate change and thus join the efforts to prevent global temperatures from increasing by more than 2°C, compared to the levels pre-industrial, as established in the Paris Agreement of 2016.
With this purpose as the axis of our management, we lead the development of new innovative technologies that allow us to decarbonize the electricity supply of our energy matrix and, consequently, that of our clients.

For the planet
Accelerating clean growth and innovation
Growth in renewables and energy storage is core to AES’ strategy.

For our people
Bringing our people together for greater impact

For our communities
Partnering with communities for the future of energy
We commit to strengthening positive impact through socioeconomic and environmental partnerships that improve lives today and in the future.

Our sustainability goals

Add 2.3 GW of renewable energy to 2024

Reduce our portfolio´s carbon intensity by 44% by 2024 compared to 2018 levels

Have more than half of renewable capacity in the portfolio by 2024