A history of accelerating the future of energy, together

From its founding and to today, AES has led lasting positive change in the energy sector based on its stakeholders’ most critical needs.

1923_Entra en operación la Central Hidroeléctrica Maitenes en San José de


  • 1923: Maitenes Hydro Power Plant starts operation in San José de Maipo, Chile.
  • 1928: Queltehues Hydro Power Plant starts operation in San José de Maipo, Chile.
  • 1939: Laguna Verde Thermo Power Plant starts operation in Valparaíso, Chile.
  • 1944: Volcán Hydro Power Plant starts operation in San José de Maipo, Chile.
  • 1962: Renca Thermo Power Plant starts operation in Renca, Chile.
  • 1964: Ventanas I Thermo Power Plant starts operation in Puchuncaví, Chile.
  • 1977: Ventanas II Thermo Power Plant starts operation in Puchuncaví, Chile.
  • 1991: Alfalfal Hydro Power Plant starts operation in San José de Maipo, Chile
  • 1995: Guacolda I Thermo Power Plant starts operation in Huasco,Chile
  • 1995: Laja Biomass Plant starts operation in Cabrero, Chile
  • 1996: Chivor Hydro Power Plant is acquired, in Boyacá region, Colombia
  • 1996: Guacolda II Thermo Power Plant starts operation in Huasco,Chile.
  • 1997: “Nueva Tocopilla” Thermo Power Plant starts operation in Tocopilla, Chile.
  • 1998: Nueva Renca Thermo Power Plant starts operation in Renca, Chile.
  • 1999: Termoandes Thermo Power Plant starts operation in Salta, Argentina.


  • 2000: The company is acquired by AES and is renamed to AES Gener
  • 2007: Los Vientos Thermo Power Plant starts operation in Llay Llay, Chile
  • 2009: Guacolda III Thermo Power Plant in Huasco and Santa Lidia Thermo Power Plant in Cabrero start operation, Chile
  • 2009: First Battery Energy Storage System in Chile


  • 2010: Ventanas III Thermo Power Plant in Valparaíso and Guacolda IV Thermo Power Plant in Huasco start operation, Chile.
  • 2011: Angamos Thermo Power Plant starts operation in Mejillones, Chile.
  • 2013: Construction of Cochrane Thermo Power Plant and Alto Maipo Hydro Power Project started, Chile.
  • 2013: Ventanas IV Thermo Power Plant starts operation in Valparaíso, Chile.
  • 2015: Guacolda V Thermo Power Plant starts operation in Huasco,Chile.
  • 2015: Angamos desalination plant starts commercial operation and construction of Andes Solar project in Antofagasta is completed, Chile.
  • 2016: Cochrane Thermo Power Plant starts operation in Mejillones, Chile.
  • 2016: Battery capacity for Energy Storage is expanded, Chile.
  • 2016: Tunjita Hydro Power Plant starts operation in Boyacá, Colombia.
  • 2019: Los Cururos wind farm acquisition, Chile
  • 2019: Wind complex construction in the South of Chile started
  • 2019: Castilla Solar begins to generate renewable energy for Ecopetrol,Colombia.


  • Launch of the Greentegra transformational strategy: the expansion in renewable energies begins.
  • AES Chivor changes its name to AES Colombia.


  • Acquisition of the development of the Jemeiwaa Kai project in La Guajira, Colombia.


  • Virtual Reservoir, the world's first energy storage system starts operation, integrated with a run-of-river hydro power plant, Chile.
  • Andes Solar II-A, the most efficient photovoltaic plant in the region, starts operation, Chile.
  • AES Gener announced the early retirement of Units 1 and 2 of the Ventanas thermoelectric plant in Puchuncaví, Chile.
  • The construction of the San Fernando Solar Park begins in the municipality of Castilla la Nueva, Colombia.
  • Smart Center inauguration: remote operation of all plants in Chile. Digital Solutions Innovation Center.
  • Request for withdrawal of units 1 and 2 of Ventanas in Chile.
  • Windows 1 enters the State of Strategic Reserve (ERE).


  • Initiation of commercial operations at San Fernando, the largest self-generation solar plant in Colombia.
  • Rebranding: AES Gener changes its name to AES Andes.
  • GIP joins as a strategic partner in Chile to promote renewable growth in the country.
  • Sale of subsidiary Guacolda, a thermal power plant located in Huasco, Chile.
  • Request for early retirement of units Ventanas 3 and 4 and Angamos 1 and 2 in Chile.
  • Commencement of commercial operations at Andes Solar IIa.
  • Capital increase of US$306 million to finance renewable growth.
  • Conclusion of construction for the Los Olmos wind farm and start of its operation.
  • Inauguration and commissioning of the 61 MW San Fernando Solar Park, AES Colombia's second solar park and the largest self-generation facility in the country.
  • First-time award of the Family Responsible Company Certification (EFR), making AES Colombia one of the 82 companies in Colombia with this certification.


  • Juan Ignacio Rubiolo appointed Chairman of the Board of AES Andes.
  • Commencement of commercial operations at the Los Olmos Wind Farm in Chile.
  • The AES Corporation completes a takeover bid for more than 99% of AES Andes.
  • Commencement of commercial operations at the Alto Maipo run-of-the-river hydroelectric plant in Chile.
  • Javier Dib appointed General Manager of AES Andes.
  • Definitive disconnection of Unit 1 at the Ventanas Power Station.
  • Commencement of operation of the first stage of the Mesamávida Wind Farm in Chile.
  • Launch of the first Open Season for green hydrogen in Chile.
  • Reactivation of bidirectional energy exchange between Chile and Argentina, through the InterAndes interconnection line.
  • Commercial operation of the Brisas Solar Park in Colombia.
  • Inauguration of the lifespan extension project of the Chivor Hydroelectric Plant, extending the plant's life by at least 50 more years.


  • Sierra Gorda meets all its operational requirements with renewable energy supplied by AES Andes from January 2023.
  • Environmental assessment initiation for the Cristales solar + battery project.
  • Environmental assessment initiation for the Pampas hybrid project.
  • Commencement of commercial operations at the Campo Lindo Wind Farm in Chile.
  • Announcement of early retirement for units Norgener 1 and 2 in Chile.
  • Commencement of construction for the Andes IIa battery storage system (80 MW x 3hr).
  • Acquisition of the Bolero Solar Photovoltaic Park in Chile.
  • Integration of AES Andes into Pride Connection and reaffirmation of its commitment to promoting sexual diversity and inclusion.
  • Commencement of commercial operations at Andes Solar IIb, a 180 MW solar facility with a 112 MW, 5-hour battery storage system, the largest in Latin America.
  • AES Andes reaches over half of its portfolio in renewable energies.
  • Award of five plots in northern Chile to continue developing 100% renewable energies.
  • Launch of the first Energy Innovation Challenge for university students to propose solutions related to green hydrogen.
  • CNE approves the retirement of three coal units from AES Andes, Ventanas 2 in December 2023 and Norgener in 2025.
  • Alba, a coal-to-gas conversion project, receives environmental approval.
  • Commencement of operation for Virtual Reservoir 2, a 50 MW, 4-hour storage system.
  • Request made to the Coordinator for the definitive retirement of coal-fired plant Norgener by 2024.
  • Expansion of the strategic partnership between AES Andes and GIP in renewable investment by more than 690 MW of solar, wind, and battery energy.
  • Definitive disconnection of coal-fired unit Ventanas 2.
  • Inauguration and operation commencement of the 26 MW Brisas Solar Park, AES's third self-generation park in Colombia.
  • Commencement of the Chivor Conduit Life Extension Project (EVUCC) in Colombia.
  • First-time attainment of the Aequales certification, making us the first electric power company in Colombia and the 21st in LATAM with this certification, highlighting our promotion of gender equality and diversity.


  • AES Colombia was recertified in the EFR model for the period 2024-2027 and moved up to category B of this seal, highlighting it as a company committed to providing a balance between the personal, work, and family life of its employees.
  • The project to Extend the Useful Life of Chivor II -EVUC CII- began, which will last for 4 years and aims to prolong the durability of the lower load tunnel of Chivor II through the installation of a new self-supporting pipe over the areas of the tunnel where material wear has been detected.
  • AES Colombia joined the Caribe Potencia Energética alliance, a platform that seeks to promote actions to improve the quality, efficiency, and coverage of the electric power service on the Atlantic Coast of the country.
  • The firm Aequales recognized AES Colombia as one of the top 50 companies in the country committed to gender equity.
  • The development of the Jemeiwaa Ka´I wind project advanced, and in 2024, easements were signed for the electric connection line of these parks with more than 40 Wayuu indigenous communities, which have already begun to receive compensation resources for easements.


  • Obtaining environmental approval for the Cristales photovoltaic project (up to 340 MW solar and an energy storage system of up to 542 MW for 5 hours).

  • Early retirement of the two units of the Norgener Thermoelectric Plant (276 MW), located in Tocopilla.

  • AES Andes shares in Chile cease to be traded on stock exchanges.

  • The San Matías Wind Farm (78 MW) in the Biobío Region begins commercial operation.

  • Obtaining approval of the Environmental Qualification Resolution (RCA) for the Pampas Hybrid Park project, which will include a wind farm (140 MW), a photovoltaic solar park (252 MW), and an energy storage system (624 MW for 5 hours).

  • Submission to the Environmental Assessment Service of the photovoltaic projects: Solar Oriente (581 MW and 809 MW for 5 hours of storage), Altos del Sol (763.6 MW and 1,063.4 MW for 5 hours of storage), and Llanos del Sol (381.8 MW and 531.5 MW for 5 hours of storage).

  • Start of commercial operation of Andes Solar IV (211 MW photovoltaic - 130 MW of energy storage for 5 hours).

  • Andes Solar IIB wins first place in the OLADE Energy Excellence Award.

  • Agreement for the sale of thermal units in Ventanas to Quintero Energía SpA.

  • Submission of the Environmental Impact Study (EIA) for the INNA project, the first industrial-scale green hydrogen and ammonia initiative in Chile.