AES Andes achieves top rankings for ESG and COVID-19 Crisis Management among Latin American Power and Utilities

  • -The Company’s Investor Relations team, Head of IR, CFO and CEO also received important recognitions.

Santiago, July 29, 2021.- The Latin America Executive Team 2021 ranking, prepared annually by Institutional Investor – a leading international business to business publisher - recognized AES Andes among the top positions in all categories of its class, small-cap Electric and Other Utilities.

The Company achieved first place overall (both among mid and small-cap) as Best ESG and Best Crisis Management amid COVID-19 among all utilities in Latin America.

The AES Andes Investor Relations team and IR program were ranked second in their class, while the Company's events for the financial community were awarded first place.

"AES Andes’ excellent results are a clear reflection of the value of our Greentegra strategy and how our disciplined execution, our proactive and transparent communication with the market is recognized and valued", emphasized the CEO of AES Andes, Ricardo Falú.

The awards also recognized individuals from the Company's management team. Ricardo Falú was ranked second as the best in class CEO in the region, rising one position from the previous year. Meanwhile, the Company's CFO, Ricardo Roizen, was ranked as the best in class CFO; while John Wills, Head of Investor Relations, ranked second in class amongst IR Professionals.

“These recognitions are thanks to the commitment, dedication, excellence and hard work of the entire Company. I want to congratulate each and every one of the collaborators of AES Andes for this important achievement, which confirms that we are on the right path and all together we are accelerating the future of energy,” added Falú.

Overall, AES Andes ranked third among all Chilean companies (both mid and small-cap and across all industries) after ranking first and second in all categories in its class.

A total of 765 buy-side analysts, asset managers, and sell-side researchers voted in Institutional Investor’s survey this year, nominating a total of 341 companies and 1002 individuals across 16 sectors in Latin America.